Belle wanted to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz for, ruby slippers and all!!! She can recite every song from the movie including the munchkin She went trick-or-treating with her Dad this year.
This was the first snowfall of the season. Belle woke up and was so excited because she finally got to wear her snowboots : ) It was the perfect snow...light and fluffy. It had snowed just enough to make everything pretty ; )
Belle participated in a talent show and here is a short video clip of her singing "Over the Rainbow" which is one of her favorite songs ; ) She wore her Dorothy dress from Wizard of Oz and a pair of red ruby slippers! She did a wonderful job...I was soooo proud of her! Belle was not nervous at all. Enjoy!
Belle decided to roll around in the grass one beautiful afternoon. She looks so content and happy in these pics. She loves being outside "to smell the flowers and sit in the sunshine".
Our families got together at my mom's house for Easter this year. We had the annual egg hunt for the kiddies. Belle and Aaliyah had a blast finding all the eggs. They found over 60 eggs and loved every minute of it. I included a pic of my bro Gavin. He helped the kids eat the candy inside the eggs : )
I wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year filled with happiness!
Belle woke up Christmas morning and said "Mommy, Santa was here!" Her face was so precious and she was filled with so much excitement. We celebrated Christmas at my Mom's house. Nina and Belle's cousin Aaliyah were there too. Belle and Aaliyah had tons of fun. My Mom and Dad made the day very special for the girls. I cooked successfully cooked Christmas dinner for everyone without burning down my Mom's kitchen : ) It was so nice having the whole family together.
This blog was created for Belle to show as many memories as I possibly can for her and all of our family members and friends! When Belle was a newborn, people would tell me "Enjoy her now, because she will grow up fast." Well, that is so true! I am so blessed to have Belle as a daughter. She is my inspiration and my heart.
I want to give her the best and happiest childhood memories. Enjoy!