Belle and I made a gingerbread house today. As soon as I started applying the icing to the house, Belle got right in there and dipped her finger in and started eating it. She had fun eating the candy too :)
While Belle "helped" decorate the Christmas tree, she wanted to wear her tutu skirt and dancing leotard with her ballet shoes. She was dancing around the tree. She LOVES to dance! I took her to see the Nutcracker Ballet last week and she watched the ballet dancers for 2 hours. Oh...and she has a candy cane in her mouth :)
This blog was created for Belle to show as many memories as I possibly can for her and all of our family members and friends! When Belle was a newborn, people would tell me "Enjoy her now, because she will grow up fast." Well, that is so true! I am so blessed to have Belle as a daughter. She is my inspiration and my heart.
I want to give her the best and happiest childhood memories. Enjoy!